Tube Toolkit

Everything you need to bring cams to your tube...
Below are some examples of our tools and services that we offer. We can also do custom requests o fit your needs. Contact your DatingGold affiliate rep to get started!

FLV Videos

Use our large private webcam content for videos on your site.

API Integration

Utilize our postjoin or prejoin scripts to monitize your signups and earn more money on your traffic.


Keep your brand intact with our custom whitelabels. We´ll help you create a whitelabel for your brand quickly.
All of our tools work with your whitelabel solution and are very configurable.

Hosted Video Ads

Create video enabled highly configurable iframe. We have many options to suite all applications.

RSS Feeds

We provide an extensive data set in our feed of models live and offline. This feed contains all picture links, live chat/profile links, all profile/niche data and so much more.
A PHP RSS Class for this feed is available

IM Popup

Choose from 8 themes or create a custom style.
This tool also has video ability with several config options.

Exit Console Script

An exit script that works well. Use our code to place an exit.